Establishing a disciplined management team to execute a proven successful trading strategy.
Structuring a team that is able to pull off a stable performance in any market and under any circumstances at low risk.
1- Act with Integrity We are committed to a high standard of honesty and integrity.
2- Be Accountable We are highly responsible, transparent, and accountable for all our actions.
3- Maintain Discipline To achieve excellence, we stick with a consistent and disciplined process that defines our research and analysis as well as our trading strategies and risk management.
4- Conflict of Interest The firm has a supportive duty of care, loyalty, and good faith to act in the best interest of its clients. All supervised persons must reserve from being involved in any activity or having a personal interest that presents a “conflict of interest”. A conflict of interest can arise whenever for example a Money Manager takes commission or markup on the transactions made without taking into consideration the clients best interest.
5- Strategic Insight We seek a competitive edge for our clients through innovation and implementation of new trading strategies.
6- Ethical Standards We adhere to high ethical standards at our firm internally and with our clients.
7- Transparency In all our dealings, contracts, and results.