Who Are We?

Who Are We?

Investment Capital Advisors LLC is built by a group of traders, financial analysts, and programmers. We have built a successful trading strategy with a tracking record for over ten years. We have been ranked in the top 10 CTA performers by Barclay Hedge.

Investment Capital Advisors LLC has three departments:

  1. Economical Laboratory Department: An experimental economical laboratory which aims to develop ideal trading systems and risk management models; by conducting researches and experimental methodologies which is concerned with the transfer of experimental results to the design of an ideal Trading Strategy.
    The laboratory has developed a Trading System, Market and Operational Risk Management Models, and a Stress Testing Model with their applications.
  2. Trading Department: A team of Traders, Analysts, and Risk Managers, whose aim is to execute the ICA Trading Strategy. The Trading Department works in conjunction with outsourced asset management companies, who act as external chief investment officers.
  3. Risk Management Department: We give the risk managers the authority to make decisions, full control of trading operations, and a superior power over portfolio management than the traders and managers themselves.
    Our risk managers have responsibility for identifying all risk aspects, ensuring that the required practices and systems are in place to identify, monitor and manage risk.


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